Tuesday, May 31, 2022

It is Okay to Shit On Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau
It's excellent to shit on old Justine Trudeau. Simplifying complex problems to just one person are somewhat naive and short-sighted.

The reality is that geopolitics is much more complicated than just Trudeau.

Look at who attends the G20s, G7s and any other summits that they attend. Representatives from the Financial institutions, Businesses, the Military, and the list goes on.

The only way to bring politics back to the people would need collaboration from our American Neighbours as well, and that is to hold a general strike and do a run on the bank (withdraw all your money). While these are draconian measures, they are effective. The only way to make a capitalist understand is to hit them in the pocketbook; the only two concepts they know are black or red.

Of course, where they made the concept of terrorism so broad, one could go to jail for organizing a general strike and a run on the bank.

We elect officials to represent the people's interests, not the wealthy and powerful.

We have a plutocracy, not democracy, as we are led to believe.  

The only way to counter representation for the financial institution and business interest is by general strick and a run on the banks.

Bring Government back to the People.  

New Brunswick is easy to study. You have one oligarch, the Irvings. According to CBC, "Ottawa is giving $21.2 million to Irving-owned New Brunswick Southern Railway to upgrade rail terminals in Saint John and McAdam to allow the company to load, unload and ship products more quickly."  According to Forbes, Irving having an excess of 48 billion dollars, could bankroll that himself, but instead, we, the taxpayers, are on the hook to pay Irving to pay homage to his business model.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Russia the perfect strawman

Andre Faust

(May 22, 2022) The argument that Russia is responsible for the higher prices in Canada is a straw man argument, considering that Russia is a minor player in exporting oil to the western world. Russia's oil export may have a significant impact on the European countries. Why are we generally paying gouging prices for fuel if that is the case?

The more severe consequence of the inflated energy prices to power our vehicles is the exorbitant price for diesel fuel. The high diesel price can cascade the additional cost throughout the economy where we, the consumer, have to shell out our earnings to pay for most of the goods that we buy.

Unless the working class is unionized and the cost of living is included in their contract, their income will be adjusted to reflect the increased cost of living for non-unionized workers. Canadians will either have to work more hours to compensate for the increase in the cost of living or lose buying power. What about our Canadian Seniors who are on a fixed income. What options will they have? The future does not look too promising for them.

As mentioned earlier, many factors have to be considered besides Russian oil reserves. The western world has little or no dependencies on oil from Russia, unlike our European counterparts. So why is the price, especially diesel, so high?

The stakeholders set prices such as OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), The New York Mercantile Exchange and other investment institutions.

Canadian governments, Federally or Provincially, are reaping additional revenue through the base tax; the GST/HST has no incentives to intervene. You have to keep in mind that our elective representative represents the financial interests of the money people first and, every once and a while will throw a bone to Canadians to keep them quiet.

There is a dark side to this story. It is known that the airline industry will hedge, which means settling at a price for their fuel at a current price (while the fuel price is low) which allows them to keep their airfares to a minimum. However, it is possible that the significant fuel distributors hedge as well. The difference between the airlines and the fuel distributor, including mega trucking companies, is not passing the lower fuel price to the consumer even though they pay less than the Canadian consumer. In other words, they are milking it. They don't give a rat's ass that they contribute to inflation. It is not their problem.

The reality is that they are working against themselves because inflation affects consumer spending. If the Canadian consumer is buying less, the manufacturing industry has to scale back production resulting in layoffs. So an economy that is doing well can fall behind very quickly if Canadian consumers are not buying.

What is the solution that puts control back into the consumer's hands? There are two strategies one, initiate a general strike and run on the bank, meaning you go to withdraw all of your money from bank x, y, z.

Extreme measures for extreme corporate greediness, while draconian, it will work. The only way to make a capitalist understand is to hit them in the pocketbook.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Are There Not Ethics In Manipulating People Buy their Product or Services

 J. André Faust (July 28, 2021)

We now live in a world where truth has become lies, and lies have become truth.  What is the difference? Propagandists, marketers and communications officers (spin Drs. don't know the difference).  All three exploit our cognitive limitations.  Most are not even conscious of the limitations that we all possess, making it very easy to distort the reality that we perceive.

The only way that we can at least defend ourselves is by understanding what those limitations are.  Most emotions override our rational thinking, so when you see a phrase or an image or anything that elicits an emotional response, that should be a clue that someone is trying to influence our free will.

I recently came across an advertisement attempting to use the persuasion of authority (endorsement by a celebrity).  

The marketers used Facebook as the clickbait to lead a person to what appeared to be a legitimate news media NBC. News story on how Another CBD business was suing David Suzuki because he had a superior product.  (I haven't been able to find any reference of David Suzuki selling CBD Gummies), so that claim may be fictitious.

I looked at the address bar looking for the word NBC. It wasn't there.   I clicked on the NBC logo, and it took me to a site selling CBD Gummies, an American company.  Humm, David is Canadian, and his alleged CBD business is supposed to be Canadian.

What exploits that guttersnipe adviser uses,  1: heuristics, 2: our altruistic 2: desires, our sense of fair play, 3: Generalization of the heuristics. 4. Authority via celebrity ship.

We need to put aside our egos and accept that we can all be fooled if we don't think critically.  Unfortunately, critical thinking is time-consuming, and the Marketers, propagandists, spin Drs'  all know this, which they all use to their advantage to make you believe you have free will when you conform to their persuasion plan.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Cannot Rule Out Extraterrestrial Intelligence Life Forms

J. André Faust May 23, 2021

Until we have direct contact with ET, we cannot conclude one way or another if there is intelligent life who are technologically superior to us. However, theoretically speaking, the probabilities favour the existence of such ET hanging out having a brewsky somewhere in this Universe or multiple multiverses.

Hypothetically speaking, if we accept that the evolution of life and intelligence develops at the constant of X billion years, then the likelihood of advanced evolution could exist in older galaxies.

Our best calculation to the age of the known Universe is 13.77, or 14 billion years RDN (however, as technology develops, that age is subject to change.)  It has been calculated that our solar system is 4.6 billion years.  Having said that, the earliest galaxies, according to the Hubble telescope, developed about 12 million years ago.

Currently, we do not know the average life span of a star relative to the Universe.  What we do know is that stars are born and die once they have used up their hydrogen.  The best guess that we have is that there appears to be a correlation between the magnitude of a star and its life span.

So, theoretically then, again, assuming that technological evolution occurs at a constant rate 4 billion years after the first galaxy, we have a solar system with a planet whose technological intelligent level we are at.

Eight billion years later, we have earth and its current technology.  That means that the early planet has an additional 4 billion years to evolve. Comparatively, that would make us pretty primitive to the planet whose intelligent life had 4 billion years to evolve.

Suppose we accept Einstein's general theory of relativity, which states that one cannot go faster than light's speed. It would take  ET 4 billion years to reach us; our star would have become a supernova and has become a white dwarf or black hole. Either way, all the inner planets of our solar system would have been consumed by the sun during its red giant phase by the time ET reached us.

If UFOs are indeed visitors, it will take them 4 billion light-years (a light-year is the time  that it would take a photo takes to travel  at a speed of 180,000 miles per second or 300 km per second per year.) Having that capability would suggest a branch of physics that we currently have not yet conceptualized and has yet to be discovered.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Choosing The Right Mayor For the Job

Fredericton Votes 2021

J. André Faust (Feb 05, 2021)

We are fast approaching the 2021 Fredericton municipal elections, and as a result of the coronavirus and an additional year added to their three-year term.

So if multiple candidates are vying for the Mayor's position, how do you choose the right personality to represent the city as its figurehead?

To answer that question, you have to know what the role of the Mayor is.

The Mayor's role is to chair the councillors' main council meetings and ensure that proper parliamentary procedures are followed; in the event of a tie, the Mayor can vote; otherwise, the Mayor has no vote on any motions brought by the council to the chamber.

Unless the Mayor delegates his role of liaison officer for the city, he or she is the official spokesperson and representative on behalf of the city. Lastly, the Mayor's role is to sign any legal documents or legal instruments related to the city's affairs. Beyond that, the Mayor has little power. The power lies in the hands of the duly elected ward representatives; it is the council as a whole that either approves or rejects any motions during regular council meetings.

If the motion is a popular motion with the citizens of Fredericton, then the Mayor gets the credit; however, the inverse occurs. If it is an unpopular motion, then the Mayor is heavily criticized.

What characteristics should a person have to attain the level of the ideal Mayor?

This individual should have above average communications skills with his/her counsellors, the public and the media. (being fluently bilingual in both official languages would be a bonus). Strong negotiation skills are a must for any Mayor to succeed in their role.

Candidates for Mayor can not make misleading promises such as "should I become Mayor, I will do this or accomplish that." It is the council, not the Mayor, who decides the end game. The best that a Mayorallity Candidate can promise is to qualify the promise with "working with my council members. I would like to see this happen or that happen." Finally, the last thing that Mayor doesn't want to become is a toxic agent who ends alienating themselves from their councillors, which is not suitable for the councillors nor the citizens of Fredericton.