Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Great Deception: The Dark Side of American Power Structure



By J. André Faust

The American Power structure's altruistic behaviours are two-fold: to increase world domination and to protect its vested interests abroad. Nevertheless, the American Government always justifies their action in the name of Democracy. Except for the Korean War, the following list is drawn from my life experience; however, I searched for dates I had forgotten. There may be others that I have forgotten about

1.     Korean War (1950-1953): While it was a direct conflict involving the U.S., it is also considered a proxy war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union/China.

2.     Vietnam War (1955-1975): The U.S. supported South Vietnam against the North, which the Soviet Union and China backed.

3.     Laotian Civil War (1953-1975): During the Vietnam War, a similar conflict occurred in Laos, with the U.S. supporting the Royal Lao Government against the communist Pathet Lao, backed by the Soviet Union and North Vietnam.

4.     Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996): The U.S. supported several Guatemalan governments during the War against leftist rebels.

5.     Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuba (1961): The U.S. supported Cuban exiles in a failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro's Government.

6.     Dominican Civil War (1965): The U.S. intervened on the side of the Dominican Government.

7.     Angolan Civil War (1975-2002): The U.S., along with South Africa, supported the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) against the Soviet/Cuban-backed People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA).

8.     Afghanistan War (1978-1992): The U.S., through Operation Cyclone, supplied the Afghan Mujahideen with weapons and funds to fight the Soviet-backed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

9.     Salvadoran Civil War (1979-1992): The U.S. supported the Salvadoran Government against the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), a leftist guerrilla group.

10. Nicaraguan Civil War (1981-1990): The U.S. supported the Contras in their fight against the Sandinista government.

11. Yemeni Civil War (2015-present as of 2021): The U.S. has supported the Saudi-led intervention against the Houthi rebels.

John Perkins' in his book "Confession of an Economic Hitman," seems to corroborate past and current which the American power structure was involved.

Perkings Highlight the professionals who manipulate developing countries' economies to benefit corporations and government bodies in the developed world, primarily the United States.

1.     Debt as a Tool for Control: Perkins argues that developing countries are deliberately burdened with large debts through exaggerated infrastructure projects funded by foreign loans. The inability of these countries to repay the loans gives leverage to the developed countries and international financial institutions, allowing them to dictate economic and political policies.

2.     Role of International Corporations and Financial Institutions: Perkins describes how multinational corporations, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other financial entities work together to maintain a system that enriches a small global elite at the expense of the masses. These entities allegedly exploit resources and labour in developing countries, often leading to poverty and economic instability in these regions.

3.     Corruption and Coercion: Perkins maintains that if indebted countries resist these policies or any other directives, they are met with threats, corruption, and even orchestrated regime changes. He suggests that EHMs like himself were tasked with corrupting influential figures in these countries. If they failed, "jackals" (CIA-sanctioned operatives) would step in to overthrow or assassinate resistant leaders.

4.     Sustainability and Inequality: The current global system, according to Perkins, is unsustainable and leads to vast economic inequality. He argues for reforming economic practices to create a more equitable and sustainable world system.

The afore mention is just a summary of the American Imperisum techniques to hold the world at bay. 


More recently, The assignation of Qasem Soleimani by an American drone attack; this order came from Former President Donald Trump. The reason behind the execution was Soleimani's Role in the Middle East. Furthermore, the Threat to U.S. National Security was only an accusation, yet no evidence except the American Propaganda machine was provided to support these accusations.


 This attack on Soleimani is similar to the bombing of Bagdad, which led to the ultimate execution of Saddam Hussain. The United Nations told George W. Bush there were no weapons of mass destruction, yet Bush Proceeded to exterminate Saddam for his Oil.

Let us go back to 1945. When the Americans dropped the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, over 200,000 people were killed instantly. That does not include the number of civilians who died from complications resulting from radiation poisoning. By today's standards, that would be seen as an atrocity against the Japanese people.


 Before concluding, here is a little ditty: Just recently, North Korean Kim Jong rattled Old man Joe Biden's chains, suggesting they had intercontinental nuclear missiles aimed at American soil. Bidon seeing no humour in his claim, warned north korea that he would eradicate the whole North Korean population. (no sense of ha ha there).


 It has been said that "Only a fool will go into battle knowing they are going to lose." Kim Jong is not a fool.


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